Strawberry Kiwi 928

Here at METZ we’re all about partnerships. In this case, we’re linking the pride of New Zealand, the Kiwi fruit, with North America’s sweetest export, the wild strawberry. Together, this tag-team of decadent character weaves a spectacular web of tart sweet goodness that works well as a hot or iced tea. With Strawberry Kiwi it’s always summer somewhere.
- From an ancient Persian recipe. Fresh Canadian strawberry notes enhanced with a Kiwi's kiwi.
- Apple, Hibiscus, Rosehip, Strawberry, Kiwi, Amaranth, Natural flavors
- Tart, full-bodied tones of summer kiwi and berries
“The bright synergy between strawberry and kiwi really satiates the taste buds. Nice for sipping
all day if you’re need an antioxidant boost.”
- All METZ Teas are Small Batch Blended and Packed in Canada
- FSSC 22000 Certified
- Vacuum-packed for Maximum Freshness
- 100% Natural Ingredients
- 100% Trackable for Food Safety
- 100% Compostable Overwrap Envelope, Woven Tea Bag Material, Tag and String