By now, most of us are familiar with the idea that green teas contain powerful polyphenol antioxidants. But did you know that green tea is also rich in Vitamins and minerals? Infused within the green grassy cup are Vitamins A, D, E, C, B, B5, H and K, Manganese, Zing, Chromium, and Selenium. No wonder nutritionists the world over have extolled the virtues of green tea for years. As with any food, the richer the quality, the more nutrients it contains. The shape of our pyramid teabags allows us to pack them with whole leaf, luxury grade green teas known for exceptional purity. This is green tea as it was meant to be.
Metropolitan Tea Best Seller
Tea Name: Japan Sencha Kakagawa
Flavor Profile: Tending light liquoring, buttery smooth with reasonable depth and body.
Cup Color: Pale yellow green
Tea Bag Material: Plant-based, clear view, woven pyramid tea bags. Compostable including string & tag.
Metropolitan Tea Best Seller
Tea Name: Jasmine with Flowers
Flavor Profile: Green tea with a captivating floral character accentuated by May Jasmine blossoms.
Cup Color: Pale green
Tea Bag Material: Plant-based, opaque view, non-woven pyramid tea bags. Compostable and biodegradable.
As always our teas are:
- Small batch refined, blended and packed in Canada
- Vac-packed for maximum freshness
- Available in multiple sizes
Contact us to view our complete line up of pyramid tea bags.